Quick, timely team data to help you manage and lead effectively early
In my last article, I discuss tips, resources, challenges and hopefully a bit of emotional support for team managers. One of those topics is understanding the personality of the team you’re managing. There will be somewhere between 15-22 players, all with the broadest range of family support systems surrounding them. Simply due to the order of operations on how a new season of sports gets underway, it’s nearly impossible to lead and manage confidently. I think I might have figured out a way to gather valuable data at the start of the season with this free tool!
Personality test
Many of us have taken online personality tests. Some for work, some through social media. Some are insightful, most are sort of based on potentially bunk science. I get it – but I do still believe there’s value in the data. In this case, maybe a simple online survey can provide the right bit of insight you might need? I’m by no means an expert, but I threw together a quick google form survey. I’ll try it out the next time an opportunity arises. But in the mean time, here it is – maybe you can use it (top right hand corner, there should be a “make a copy” link?). Would love to see your versions and opinions on what might make this one better!